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About Us

We at root canal centre (rcc) feel that our patient deserve the best and nothing less than the best of treatment .

When it comes to root canal treatment most the people are scared because of various stories they have heard in the past and frightening experience shared by their near and dear ones .But let us assure you that you will be well taken care of your discomfort or pain  by our experienced and enthusiastic team with smile and gentle touch.

Our Services

Root Canal Treatment

During root canal or endodontic treatment, the inflamed or infected pulp is removed and the inside of the tooth is carefully cleaned and disinfected, then filled and sealed with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha.

Re-Root Canal Treatment

As with any dental or medical procedure, a tooth may not heal as expected after initial endodontic treatment for a variety of reasons .

Microscope Enhanced Endodontics

Under a microscope ,with the best lighting and very great magnification our endodontist can visualize  the inside of the tooth and operate very precisely in an area, the size of a square millimetre.

Single Visit Root Canal Treatment

May be ,its a  Long procedure that requires Lots of appointments  and you have to arrange your work schedule according to the multiple appointment that comes along the treatment process.

Visit us

4th Floor, Lalitpur Mall
Sanchaya Kosh Building
Lagankhel, Lalitpur

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Phone : 977-1-5532481

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